It’s funny how life’s craziness can get in the way of every day blogging. Gosh it sounds like I could use a little more fiber to help that problem….
Anyway, I am now working on a new kid’s internet show. I’m not only doing the voice but I am also the puppeteer behind the Wolf puppet. It is sooo much fun, hard work aside, and it’s really cute for kids with fun jokes for the parents. The producers will be launching it hopefully this week on YouTube. I will get you the link as soon as I have it, and keep you updated on each episode.
On the up and down side, I was hired to be a new voice/fruit for, The Annoying Orange! Just before recording, the folks behind this deliciously twisted project, got an offer from a network. It’s all so exciting, they might go from an internet smash…haha to a network hit! I just don’t know if I still have the job?!?!?! Ahhhhh negotiations. Fingers crossed!!!!
Been busy on other projects I can’t talk about yet. Auditioning like crazy. Waiting for something to stick! Will keep you posted.
On the volunteer front, I’ve been busy helping to launch a new, Walk to End Alzheimer’s in the San Fernando Valley, CA. I’ll be walking in two weeks, Sunday May 22nd. I’m always looking for people to join my team, The Sherman Tanks and/or make donations to support this worthy cause. Here is the link if you are interested.Follow This Link
That’s it for today. It’s alllll good! ~Dina