Announcing the 36th annual Annie Awards was a blast! The host, Tom Kenny (aka Spongebob Squarepants himself) kicked the show off with a riotous musical number. Kung Fu Panda was the big winner taking home 10 Annies including best picture. Robot Chicken was the next big winner with 3 awards for their Star Wars Episode II …episode and Ahmed Best won the Voice Over category for his character Jar Jar Binks. His wife was in attendance and quite pregnant. We all wondered if he would get an Annie and son all on the same night. I’ll have to get back to you with that information.
Billy Crystal was there and I got to speak to him very briefly. As always, he was wonderful and funny.
Brad Garret and Pat Fraley brought the house down with their quick humor and savvy impressions.
All in all it was a great night and the after party was the icing on the cake.
Honestly, music, food, drinks and me sporting a new dress and killer shoes…what’s not to love!
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