I have a crazy couple of weeks coming up with fun events and public appearances. You are welcome to come to any and all events! Feel free to support us as we raise money and awareness for Alzheimer’s.
*Sunday, Oct. 17th I’m performing improv at The Comedy Sportz Theater, 733 N. Seward in Hollywood. 4pm-5pm
Tickets are free and kids are welcome. Here is the link. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=160692023947608
*Wed. Oct. 20th, 1pm-1:30. I will be reading at The Barnes & Noble in the Calabasas Commons.
(I was asked to be one of the celebrity readers for our school’s book fair)
*Tuesday, Oct. 26 Cocktail party at The Rack Restaurant in Woodland Hills. 6-10:30
The Rack will be donating 20% of the day’s proceeds to The Alz. Assoc. -pretty awesome. No Cover, no hiked drink prices & there will be some fun raffle prizes including a Pool Cue, Leather Wallet & Watch, Crystal clock, to name a few. http://new.evite.com/?utm_source=msnlive_mail&utm_medium=email&utm_content=text&utm_campaign=host_conf#view_invite:eid=03F1AAQZXGL24ESVOEO72DEN2YX3LA
*Sunday, Nov. 7th – the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk in Century City. http://2010memorywalkla.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=339551&supid=227082707